Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Release 04: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Chapter 2

I don't feel like saying much. Work went along faster than I thought. Thanks /vg/ for spreading the word btw. Naoya trolls us some more. Yuzu freaks out as usual. Yay, demons! The Day Before is starting to wrap up, and I believe we'll get a start to the 1st Day next chapter, which I'll be starting right away. The manga does start to deviate a little from the game, but it's still anybody's guess at this point as to what path the protagonist / Kazuya will take. Enjoy!

EDIT: I just found a translation goof. Guess that's what you get for doing a one-man project. Here's the fixed v2. For the 8 people that just downloaded the original one, sorry about that.



  1. Thanks for all your hard work!

  2. Great job! Keep it up!

  3. I've been looking for a translation since I've heard of the release...

    Thanks for translating~! ^O^

  4. Predict the manga will go in a completely different path from any in the game, possibly because of minor deviations from the game that add up as the story progresses until it's nothing like the end game of the game.

  5. I would be very interested in a new ending, especially if the hero didn't side with demons nor angels, but kicked both their arrogant asses.

  6. Just love this Project hope you continue your good work , also loved re:digitalize
